Boating Education - Brockville
Courses and Information for Recreational Boaters
Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons
Canada's National Boating Educator
Welcome to the Brockville Squadron of the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons®. The CPS's goal is:
"Safe Boating through Education."
So, the most important thing we do is to offer Courses!!!
In support of our educational program, we have a local membership in the hundreds, monthly meetings of the Executive Committee, an annual general meeting, an annual Graduation/Awards Party and occasional social/seminar meetings (see Events).

- Foremost, people teach or assist with many of our courses.
- Secondly, we can always use help on the Executive Committee, which meets monthly and performs functions to support our training program and our membership.
We always welcome people willing to serve.
Volunteering introduces you to lots of interesting boaters, and is a great way to make an important contribution while expanding your own boating horizons.
Inquiries welcome!
Squadron Email List
We maintain a Brockville Squadron Email Address List. See an explanation from a past Secretary.
We keep this list completely confidential! No member addresses will appear in any "mass emailings", and of course it is only for local Squadron use.
If you're not sure whether you're on the list or not, then please sign up - it will make the work of your hard-working volunteer Executive Committee officers much easier, and they deserve every break they can get! Send an email to our General Inquiry address.
Remember to update your email address with us if it changes.
Thank you!
Squadron Burgee
If you would like a Brockville Squadron Burgee (upper left), contact the Supply Officer.
Gold Bar
As of 2005 June, we added a gold bar to our burgee, recognizing fifty years as a Squadron. They cost $30 each, all inclusive. Print off an Order Form.
Beyond Education: Insurance!
We are first and foremost an educational organization. Next to that, many members find the major benefit of membership is the really amazing discounts - and stellar service, with the CPS-sponsored agent - on our boat insurance.
The savings on insurance much more than compensate for our very low annual dues.